Monday, November 24, 2008


Rosalie stands far below the corner cupboard, lifts her arms up pleadingly and begs, "Ginkyu! Ginkyu!"
"Rosalie," I say, "they're not called 'Thank you.' They're called 'candy corn.'"
"Ginkyu! GINKYUUU!" she repeats, near desperation.
"Oh, okay. You can have three."
I hand them over.
She is SO grateful.
With a break in her voice that sounds like a chuckle she says again, and means it, "Ginkyu-u."
And walks off with her candy filled hands tucked under her chin and a smile of pure satisfaction on her face.

I'll never get her trained.

(She's had ME trained for too long now.)


kate said...

hee hee hee! sooo cute. :)

Jenny said...

Well, if she thinks everything is called "thank you" she'll have the best manners ever!

kate said...

so, for a good belly laugh, go online and watch the "chuck" from the 17th. when casey hits the high c i fell off the couch. i made caleb re-play it five times and laughed till it hurt.

victoria said...

Rosalie is too darling to resist her gink-yuu pleas. It's probably good for your soul to just give in to the joy.

olderockhouse said...

That is so cute. I love that stage!

Markie said...

Hey! I found your blog! What a cute family you have - I love your sunset pictures and think your kids looked fabulous at halloween. Fun to catch up.
- Margaret