Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Tiny Star Stuff

My friend Star is a fabulous creator of all kinds of art. A while ago I splurged on an original Lucy painting from her etsy shop. Shown here is the painting and the matching Lucy doll that she designed, sewed, and painted. She really is amazing! I already covet several more of her prints and "softies" (original stuffed animals). Ooh, and also her beautiful vintage-style cone puppets. I want, I want!


kate said...

the cutest! we are so lucky.

Star said...

Oh Edith, they look so cozy snuggled up together.
Thank you Hale sisters for keeping me in business! Smooch

Clint C. said...

I want the painting of Jack riding on the back of a toad, for obvious reasons. Just spent a 1/3 of my life's savings so I just can't part with another penny to grant my wish.