Monday, October 21, 2013

Talk like a pirate and eat donuts day

Mark your calendars for next year--September 19th is talk like a pirate day! And if you also dress like a pirate and go to Krispy Kreme donuts, you can have a dozen donuts free!
5 dozen donuts is a lot of donuts.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Anika Fair

It's been such a long time since I blogged. My children are complaining.  There is so much to catch up on that it seems overwhelming to start.
I've decided to do a post on each of my children, summarizing a few things that have happened to each lately.
This is a mommy blog.

Anika turned 16! She dates, she drives, she went to Homecoming.
 She borrowed the dress from a friend and her aunt Rebekah did her hair and makeup.  Low stress,  unlike the rest of her life.
Her backpack contains her entire course load for each day--her locker is in a back hallway and is too far away for her to get to between classes.  Her back hurts. She leaves before the sun comes up and stays after school to practice for pit orchestra for the school musical.  She needs more sunlight in her life.  She is tired.
BUT! She is a straight-arrow, straight-A student,  a good friend (who wishes her friends would stop dating each other, breaking up, and ruining the group dynamic), a great help, and all around awesome person. 
Before the end of the year she hopes to: take the PSAT and kill it, be the best flautist West Side Story has ever heard,  get her braces off (fingers crossed, but not her bite, not anymore).