Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rosie Moments

Rosalie is in Kindergarten this year. She's growing up fast and she wants to be helpful.  So she made me this grocery list.  It says to buy: strawberries, bananas, grape juice, cereal, bagels, hot dogs, broccoli, grapes, pretty dresses, and my little ponies.  I got in trouble for buying orange juice and cucumbers by mistake.

Here she is on her first day of school.  She insisted on tucking in her shirt, despite my objections.  I once had the same disagreement with my Mom when I was a kindergartener, but I was wearing a trapeze top.  I looked down at myself while waiting for the bus and realized my mom was right. So I untucked it. Gracious as always, my mom didn't say anything when I got home. 

Rosalie took maybe a week to learn how to cruise on her run-bike. (It's not an official run-bike (those are spendy) we just took the pedals off a bike that was too short for training wheels.  It's awesome! They learn how to balance and steer without falling over.  When Meredith moved from the run-bike to a regular bike it took her two minutes to add pedaling.)
For the first time Rosie had her own vehicle when we went on a family bike ride.  I warned her of an approaching car and she zipped right over to the shoulder.  I told her how much I appreciated her quickly following my directions.  She said, "Will you appreciate me . . . BEATING YOU?!"  And she zoomed ahead.

Rosalie has her own version of Pinterest.  This is not inspired by watching me use the thing--I haven't gotten past opening an account.  She has always been a collector.
She's at that age where everything she draws and writes is unique and usually funny.  She made a list of things she wants for her next birthday, including "CRAP, CAC, WePCRem, and SDRoBeRee" (Crepes, Cake, Whipped Cream, and Strawberries.)

She's a super girl.   (ZooopR GRL)